Eligibility Certificate for Allotment of Allotment of Retail Outlet (Petrol & Diesel)

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Eligibility Certificate for Allotment of Allotment of Retail Outlet (Petrol & Diesel)

Salient Features. The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has reserved locations for allotment of Regular/Rural Retail Outlet Dealership under ‘CC1’ category. ‘CC1’ category includes Para Military Personnel/Central Govt /State Govt and Central / State PSU employees and Defence Personnel.

Eligibility Criteria. Following ESM/Widows/Dependents are eligible under the scheme:-

  1. Widows/dependents of those members of Armed Forces who died in war or in harness due to attributable or aggravated causes to Military Service.
  2. Ex-servicemen who are war disabled/disabled in peace due to attributable or aggravated causes to Military Service.
  3. Able bodied Ex-servicemen

Based on the Guidelines, DGR is required to issue Eligibility Certificate to the entitled ESM/Widow/Dependent for category covered in Paragraph 2 (a) & (b) only. For category covered under paragraph 2 (c), Able bodied Ex-servicemen are to apply directly to the Oil Company and should attach copy of Discharge Order or Pension Order.

Issue of Eligibility Certificate. As per the marketing plan of the concerned oil corporation, locations for Retail Outlet is advertised by oil companies in two newspapers (one English Daily and one Regional Vernacular Daily) having maximum circulation in the Districts in which the dealership / distributorship is to be located. On publication of such advertisement, the applicant is required to apply to the concerned Oil Company within a specified time. Concurrently, the applicant is required to approach DGR for obtaining the Eligibility Certificate which the applicant is required to produce at the time of interview. Short-listing, Interview, Selection and issue of Letter of Intent for a particular Distributorship/Dealership is the prerogative of Oil Company and DGR has no role to play in it. For further details, all applicants are advised to go through Official Website of the concerned Oil Company viz www.bharatpetroleum.comwww.hindustanpetroleum.comwww.iocl.com etc. and ensure all relevant clauses are implemented.

Procedure. While applying for Eligibility Certificate from DGR, an applicant is required to submit following documents (as applicable) duly attested by Zila Sainik Board / Notary.

(a) In case of ESM: Copies of the following documents duly attested by Notary/ ZSB / RSB will be attached:

  1. Initial PPO and corrigendum if applicable in respect of ESM.
  2. Discharge book / Retirement orders in respect of ESM.
  3. Copy of ESM Identity Card.
  4. Affidavit as per format duly notarised.
  5. Passport size photograph of applicant.
  6. Newspaper cutting showing date of advertisement and location reserved under ‘GP’ Category as applicable.
  7. Disability Certificate attributable/aggravated to Military Service.
  8. Requisite Education Certificate as specified for the Scheme.
  9. Proof of Gallantry Award, if any location reserved under ‘GP’ Category as applicable.
  10. Disability Certificate attributable/aggravated to Military Service.
  11. Requisite Education Certificate as specified for the Scheme.
  12. Proof of Gallantry Award, if any.

(b) In Case of Widow and Dependents: Copies of the following documents duly attested by Notary/ ZSB / RSB will be attached :-

  1. Death certificate along with proof of death of defence personnel being attributable to or aggravated by Military Service.
  2. Initial PPO and corrigendum if applicable in respect of Widow.
  3. Proof of Gallantry Award, if any.
  4. Copy of Widow / Dependent Identity Card.
  5. Proof of date of birth in respect of widow / dependent as case may be.
  6. Requisite Education Certificate as specified for the Scheme.
  7. Affidavit as per format duly notarized.
  8. Relinquishment deed as per format duly notarized.
  9. Passport size photograph of applicant.
  10. Newspaper cutting showing date of advertisement and location reserved under ‘GP’ category as applicable.

Procedure for Allotment.

  1. A Committee nominated by the concerned Oil Company will do scrutiny of the application based on the information given in the application.
  2. Selection is done by draw of lot of all eligible applicants by the concerned oil company.
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