Concessions, Facilities & Benefits granted to Ex-Servicemen and Dependants of Mizoram
Mizoram notification No. A.12027/1/2016-P&AR (GSW) dated 10th October 2019 Gazetted vide Issue No. 660 chuan The Mizoram Ex-Servicemen (Re-employment in Civil Posts) Rules, 2019 chuan Ex-Servicemen te a hnuai hamthatna te hi a pe a ni:-
Reservation of Vacancies
Five per cent of the vacancies in each of the categories of Group-B’ (Non-Gazetted), Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts falling within the direct recruitment quota in any year shall be reserved for being filled by ex-servicemen.
(Group B (Non-Gazetted), C leh D post direct recruitment a lak reng reng ah Ex-Servicemen tan 5% reserved a ni).
Special Provision Regarding Age Limit
For appointment to any reserved posts in group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted),Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts under the Government of Mizoram, an ex-servicemen who has put in not less than six months continuous service in the Armed Forces of the Union shall be allowed to deduct the period of such military service from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post or service for which he seeks appointment by more than three years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit.
(Group B (Non-Gazetted), C leh D hna, Ex-Servicemen tana reserved post ah reng reng, mahni kum atanga a service tan hun chhung kum paih a nih hnuah, post lak tur kum bituk sangber chu kum thum aia tama a khum loh chuan pawm a ni ang).
Special Provision Regarding Educational Qualifications
(a) For appointment to any reserved posts in Group ‘D’, every ex-serviceman who has put in not less than three years service in the Armed Forces of the Indian Union shall be exempted from the educational qualification, if any, prescribed in the recruitment rules for such posts.
(Group ‘D’ post, Ex-Servicemen tana reserved ah reng reng, Recruitment rules in a educational qualification ngai a tih te hi Ex-Servicemen, sipai-a kum thum aia tlemlo service tawh tan a ngai ve kher lo).
(b) For appointment to any reserved posts in Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) and Group ‘C’ posts, ex-servicemen who have put in at least three years service in the Armed Forces of the Union and who obtained Computer proficiency related Diploma/Certificate from the Armed Forces during their service or who obtained any Diploma/Certificate from the Armed Forces with Computer proficiency related course as one of the subject in such courses shall be deemed to satisfy the qualification pertaining to Computer proficiency as mandated under the Mizoram Group ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ Posts ServicelRecruitment (Amendment)Rules, 2016, which came into force with effect from 01.04.2017.
(Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) leh C post, Ex-Servicemen tana reserved ah reng reng, Mizoram Group ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ Posts Service/Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2016 in computer thiamna ngai a tih ah, sipai a kum thum aia tlemlo service tawh, sipai tan chhunga sipai atanga computer zirchhuak a Diploma /Certificate lo hmu tawh te chu pawm a ni ang).
(c) For appointment to any reserved post in Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) and Group ‘C’ posts, a matriculate ex-servicemen (which includes an ex-serviceman who has obtained the Indian Army Special Certificate of Education or the corresponding certificates in the Navy or the Air Force), who has put in not less than 15 years of service in the Armed Forces of the Union may be considered eligible for appointment to posts for which the essential qualification prescribed is Degree from a recognised University and where:
(Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) leh C post, Ex-Servicemen tana reserved ah reng reng, educational qualification ah Graduate a ngai a nih chuan, Ex-servicemen matric pass emaw sipai atanga Special Certificate of Education nei leh sipai ah kum 15 tang tawh chu qualification ah ngaihnathiam an ni ang):-
(i) Work experience of technical or professional nature is not essential; or
(Work experience, technical leh professional thil a ngai lo a nih chuan)
(ii) Though non-technical professional work experience is prescribed as essential and yet the appointing authority is satisfied that the ex-servicemen is expected to perform the duties of the post by undergoing on the job training for a short duration.
(Work experience, technical leh professional thil ngai ngai mahse, hna latu ten hun reilote chhunga Ex-Servicemen in hna kha zir thei mai tura an ngaih chuan)
sipai a kum sawmpanga aia tlemlo service tawh, Matric pass, sipai atanga Army Special Certificate for Education (Navy/Air Force-a a tlukpui) nei te chu pawmsak a ni ang.
(d) For appointment to any reserved posts in Group ‘C’ where the prescribed educational qualification is Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate, an ex-servicemen who has passed the Indian Army Class-I Examination or equivalent examination in the Navy or the Air Force and who has put in not less than 15years of service in the Armed Forces of the Union may be considered eligible for appointment to the posts.
(Group ‘C’ post, Ex-Servicemen tana reserved ah reng reng, educational qualification ah Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate a ngai a nih chuan, Ex-Servicemen kum 15 aia tlemlo service, Army Class-I Exam (Navy/Air Force-a a tlukpui) passed chu pawm a ni ang).