Defence Salary Package (DSP) State Bank of India (SBI)
Defence personnel of the Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, Assam Rifles, Rashtriya Rifles (RR) and GREF [Border Road Organisation (BRO)] can avail Salary Accounts under Defence Salary Package (DSP). Retired Personnel can also open / convert their accounts in DSP – Pension.
Available in three variants, namely Gold, Diamond and Platinum based on rank of personnel of the Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, Assam Rifles, RR and GREF (Border Road Organisation). Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) are categorised under Gold Variant; Officers are categorised under Diamond and Platinum variants.
GOLD: JCOs & other Ranks
DIAMOND: Lieutenant, Captain, Major
PLATINUM: Lt. Colonel, Colonel, Brigadier, Major General, Lt. General, General
GOLD: Sea II, Sea I, Leading Seaman, Petty Officer, Chief Petty Officer, Master Chief Petty Officer-II and Master Chief Petty Officer-I
DIAMOND: Sub Lieutenant, Lieutenant and Lieutenant Commander
PLATINUM: Commander, Captain, Commodore, Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral and Admiral
*DSP Accounts of Sailors joining Navy before they attain majority, will be opened without Insurance and Overdraft facility
DSP-Air Force
GOLD: Personnel Below Officer Rank
DIAMOND: Flying Officer, Flight Lieutenant, Squadron Leader
PLATINUM : Wing Commander, Group Captain, Air Commodore, Air Vice Marshal, Air Marshal, Air Chief Marshal
DSP-General Reserve Engineering Force (GREF)/Border Road Organisation (BRO)
GOLD: Personnel Below Officer Rank
DIAMOND: Asst. Engineer/ Asst. Administrative Officer, Asst. Executive Engineer/ Administrative Officer/ Medical Officer II, Executive Engineer/Senior Administrative Officer/ Medical Officer
PLATINUM: Superintendent Engineer/ Joint Director (Administration), Superintendent Engineer (Selection Grade)/ Director (Administration), Chief Engineer, Additional Director General, Director General
DSP-Assam Rifles
GOLD: Bugler, Rifleman and Mule Driver, Lance Naik, Nalband, Havaldar, Warrant Officer, Havaldar Major, Naib Subedar, Subedar, Subedar Major
DIAMOND: Deputy Commandant, Assistant Commandant (equivalent to Lt and Capt in Indian Army)
PLATINUM: Commandant, Second-In-Command (equivalent to Major, Lt Col and Col in Indian Army) and Personnel at this level are being deputed from Indian Army and DSP Army would be offered to them
DSP-Rashtriya Rifles
Personnel in Rashtriya Rifles are on deputation from Indian Army and hence covered under DSP Army. Accounts are classified as per Ranks in Indian Army.
DSP – Agniveer
Personnel recruited in Indian Army, Indian Airforce and Indian Navy with Distinctive Benefits under “Agnipath” Scheme of Government of India.
Benefits to Serving Personnel
- Zero balance account and free unlimited number of transactions across ATMs of any Bank in India.
- Complimentary Personal Accidental Insurance (Death)cover of Rs. 50 Lakhs to all ranks.
- Complimentary Air Accidental Insurance (Death)cover of Rs. 1 Crore to all ranks
- Complimentary Personal Accidental (Permanent Total Disablement) cover up to Rs. 50 Lakhs to all ranks
- Complimentary Personal Accidental (Permanent Partial Disablement) cover upto Rs. 50 Lakhs to all ranks.
- Xpress Credit, Home loan, Car Loan and Education loan available at competitive rates.
- 100% waiver of processing fee on Xpress Credit, Car Loan and Home Loan (Actual TIR and Valuation charges, etc will be recovered, where applicable).
- Up to 25% off on annual locker rental.
- Auto-Sweep facility (optional) to create e-MODs (Multi Option Deposits)and earn higher interest.
- Demat & Online Trading A/c facility available.
- Free issuance of Drafts, Multi City Cheques, SMS Alerts, NEFT/RTGS.
- Additional Rs. 10 Lakh for death in action against terrorist/ Naxalites/ foreign enemy.
- SBI Rishtey (Family Savings Account): For family members of Salary Package Customer with differential benefits.
- Xpress Credit loan cover upto 10 Lakh for SBI Loan Account for death in action against Terrorist / Naxalites / Foreign enemy.
- SBI Rishtey (Family Savings Account): For family members of Salary Package Customer with differential benefits
Note 1: Benefits under salary package are subject to classification of Savings Bank Account to respective Salary Package and Variant in banks system. All Customers Drawing Salary through SBI Accounts are required to apply along with proof of Salary and Proof of employment to their home branch for conversion of savings account to respective Salary Package/Variant ((Conversion Forms). Account holders are required to verify classification of their accounts under respective package/variant from the name of package / variant printed on first page of their bank passbook / statement.
Note 2: In case, monthly salary is not credited into the account for more than 3 consecutive months, the account will be converted to normal savings account and all the features offered under Salary Package will stand withdrawn. All the Charges shall be levied as applicable to normal Savings Bank Account.
Benefits to Pensioner Veterans
- Zero balance account and free unlimited number of transactions across ATMs of any Bank in India.
- Complimentary Personal Accidental Insurance (Death) cover of Rs. 30 Lakhs to all ranks
- 100% waiver of processing fee on Car Loans.
- Up to 25% off on annual locker rent.
- Auto-Sweep facility (optional) to create e-MODs (Multi Option Deposits) and earn higher interest.
- Demat & Online Trading A/c facility available.
- Free issuance of Drafts, Multi City Cheques, SMS Alerts. NEFT/RTGS.
Note 1: Benefits under Pension Account are subject to classification of Savings Bank Account to respective Pension Account and Variant in banks system. All Customers Drawing Pension through SBI Accounts are required to apply along with proof of Pension and PPO to their home branch for conversion of savings account to respective Pension Account/Variant (Conversion Forms). Account holders are required to verify classification of their accounts under respective package/variant from the name of package / variant printed on first page of their bank passbook / statement.
Note 2: In case, monthly pension is not credited into the account for more than 3 consecutive months, the account will be converted to normal savings account and all the features offered under Pension Package will stand withdrawn. All the Charges shall be levied as applicable to normal Savings Bank Account.