Rail Travel Concession for Ex-servicemen and War Widows

Rail Travel Concession for Ex-servicemen and War Widows

Rail Travel Concession for ESM and War widows

The Govt of India have announced free rail travel in IClass / IIAC Class to the recipients of PVC, Ashok Chakra, MVC, Kirti Chakra, VrC and Shourya Chakra and the widows of posthumous winners of these Gallantry Awards along-with a companion. (Ministry of Railways letter No. E (W) 96PS 56/22 dated 23 Feb 96). These facilities are available through the Indian Railway authorities.

75 percent concession in rail fare for travel in II Class is available to war widows. This concession for War Widows can be availed on production of the I-Card issued by the KSB.

Apply Online (for War Widows)


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