Redressal of Grievances regarding ECHS

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A number of developments, which have taken place in the ECHS domain, have been enumerated in the succeeding paragraphs for inclusion in the DESA Blog.

Complaints and Litigation Reduction Scheme (CLRS).

ECHS has launched the Complaints and Litigation Reduction Scheme in order to reduce complaints & litigations. All stake holders, including veterans, their dependents, ECHS employees, hospitals and other service providers are invited for direct communication with Central Organisation, ECHS and ECHS Cell, Navy. All medical and non-medical complaints are being handled by the Director (Complaints and Litigation) on mobile number 9599916405. Further, in case of non-resolution of the complaints, Veterans may also call the MD, ECHS on Tele No. 9971129265 or Director ECHS (Navy) on Tele No. 9650094237. In addition, an e-mail ID has also been created for early settlement of issues.

Veteran Patients Care And Assistance (VPCA) Team.

VPCA Teams have been formed by the Central Organisation ECHS, wherein these teams carry out checks to arrest corrupt practices as well as address the difficulties of our veterans. These Teams, under the Station Commanders, are currently operating on a pilot basis in Delhi, Jalandhar and Trivandrum, before these are launched pan-India.

Medicine Management.

Most complaints of Veterans pertain to availability of medicines. Therefore, measures have been initiated to enhance availability of medicines. OiC Polyclinics have been requested to ensure that correct demands for medicines are projected, so as to ascertain that all veterans & their dependants get their medicines, and also, at the same time, wastages are avoided. A SoP regarding medicine procurement management has also been promulgated.

Beneficiaries of ECHS have the following options available for seeking redressal of their grievances:-

(a) Online.


Centralised Public Grievances Redressal and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS), which is run by the Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, Govt of India, can be accessed on Grievances related to ECHS are automatically routed to Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare/ Central Organisation ECHS.

(ii) E-mail.

PD ECHS (N) can be reached for addressing any grievance or litigation on Additionally, complaints can also be registered by e- mail to the Director (Complaints and Litigation), Central Organisation on dircomplaints-

(b) Direct Interaction with Veterans.

(i) A WhatsApp Group of PD ECHS (N) and Secretaries of Navy Foundation Chapters has been created for enhancement of effectiveness and reporting issues of beneficiaries.

(ii) Whatsapp no 9868857972 is functional, at Central Organisation, ECHS known as ‘Shape Your Scheme’ and ‘Save Your Scheme’ for enhancement of effectiveness on reporting of issues by beneficiaries.

(c) Helpline.

A central helpline number 1800114115 has been operationalised by the Central Organisation ECHS for assistance of Veterans and can be reached from 0900h to 1700h from Monday to Friday. Similarly, ECHS Cell, Navy can be reached on 011-24101319.

(d) Telephone/ Mobile Numbers.

Telephone/ mobile numbers of all appointments of Central Organisation ECHS, Regional Centres and Polyclinics are available on the ECHS website.

(e) Post.

Grievances are also forwarded on any of the following addresses:-

Director (Complaints and Litigation)
Central Organisation, ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated HQ of MoD (Army)
Maude Lines
Delhi Cantt – 110 010


Principal Director ECHS (N)
6th Floor
Chanakya Bhawan
New Delhi - 110021

Channel of Grievances.

In order to enable the ECHS Organisation to provide better service, beneficiaries are requested to: –

  1. Approach the concerned Oi/c of the Polyclinic/ Station HQ/ Regional Centre for complaints and their expeditious resolution.
  2. If the issues are not resolved, then lodge grievances as stated above.
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