Sahara Hostel Indian Navy Welfare Initiative for Naval Widows

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Sahara Hostel – Indian Navy Welfare Initiative for Naval Widows/Veernaris

Sahara Hostel located at D-6, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi is in is an initiative by the Indian Navy aimed towards providing support to the Naval Veer Naris and their families in the period immediately after the unfortunate demise of their husbands. The hostel was inaugurated on 24 May 19 and is built over 4 floors and 34 furnished dwelling units (1 BHK configuration).


Only those Naval Widows who have completed the requisite period of 02 years in Government accommodation after the demise of their husbands are eligible to apply for stay in the hostel for 11 months. Extension beyond this period will be considered based on availability and merits of the individual case, on case to case basis. Only the Naval Widow and her dependents (whose names are mentioned in the Discharge book/PPO) will be permitted to reside in the allotted premises. However, adult males above the age of 25 will not be permitted to stay in the hostel.


The Sahara Hostel is being administered by the Station Commander (Navy), Delhi Area. Appropriate security/ conservancy/ maintenance staff has also been hired/ appointed for the management of the hostel complex.

Priority of Allotment

Priority for the allotment will be as follows:-

(a) A Naval Widow in need of emergency medical attention/ treatment in New Delhi for herself or her children. Medical certification by INS India or other armed forces Hospital/ ECHS referrals would be required

(b) A Naval Widow whose children are studying in New Delhi in standard 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and has completed two years in Government accommodation.

(c) A Naval Widow having children studying in classes other than 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th as also Naval Widows having no children but in need, provided no one is in the waiting list from the categories mentioned at Para (a) and (b) above.

Allotment Procedure

A refundable deposit of rupees 10,000.00 is to be paid along with the application form. Monthly maintenance charges of rupees 3,500.00 and rupees 2,500.00 will be charged from officers and sailors respectively. Electricity and water charges will charged as per actuals. (The charges are liable to the changed/ reviewed from time to time). Post acceptance of the applications by the Competent Authority and prior allotment, a leave and licence agreement will have to be signed between the allottee and Station Commander/ Sahara Hostel Management.

As on date vacancies exist in the hostel and applicants will be accommodated on first come first serve basis. It is therefore requested that Information and Awareness of this facility be disseminated to all units and especially amongst the Veer Naris and Naval ESM communities.

Queries if any may be referred by the interested ladies to the office of the Command Regimental System Officer (CRSO).

(a) Address  :    Sahara Hostel
D-6 Vasant Kunj
New Delhi-110070

(b) Phone/Fax  :    011-26135269/ 26135268 (Fax)

(c) Email      :

Application Form

Sahara Hostel Application Form

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