Child Care Leave for Women Officers

Child Care Leave

(a)    Child Care Leave (CCL) is admissible to Permanent Commission Women Officers for 360 days during entire service period for taking care of two eldest surviving children below 18 years of age, whether for rearing or to look after any of their needs like examination, sickness, etc. However, in case child has minimum disability of 40%, the age limit for child for grant of CCL will be below 22 years instead of 18 years.

(b)   CCL will be applicable for upto two eldest surviving children (whether from one child birth or more). CCL will also be applicable to adoptee mothers.

(c)   CCL shall not be granted in more than two spells in a calendar year.

(d)   CCL shall not be granted for a period of less than 15 days and not more than 30 days in each spell upto a maximum of 60 days in a calendar year. In cases where the CCL spills over to the next year, it may be treated as one spell against the year in which the leave commences.

(e)   Short Service Commissioned Officers who are later granted Permanent Commission during their service career will be entitled to the difference of CCL authorised to a Permanent Commission officer and CCL availed during her tenure as SSC officer subject to the ceiling of 360 days.

(f)   CCL is to be treated like Annual Leave and sanctioned as such. Consequently, Saturdays, Sundays, gazetted holidays, etc falling during the period of leave would also count for CCL, as in the case of Annual Leave. Similarly, prefixing/ suffixing of holidays to CCL will also be permitted as in case of Annual Leave.

(g)   CCL will not be debited against any other leave account.

(h)   CCL cannot be demanded as a matter of right. Its grant will always be subject to exigencies of Service.

(j)    CCL may be combined with leave of any other kind except Casual Leave.

(k)   In case women officers have been unable to avail CCL in the absence of Government orders during the intervening period i.e. 01 Sep 08 to 04 Mar 14, the following guidelines are stipulated:-

(i)   Women officer who have availed Annual Leave during this period specifically for looking after the needs of the children will be entitled to commute the same to CCL subject to fulfilment of other conditions as laid down in this paragraph.

(ii)   A certificate countersigned by the Commanding Officer be taken from the concerned women officers stating that the leave during the intervening period had been availed only for looking after the needs of children.

(iii)  As a one-time special dispensation these officers on commutation of Annual Leave to CCL may be permitted either to accumulate the Annual Leave availed during the intervening period for encashment, subject to the present overall limit of a maximum of 30 days in a calendar year, upto a limit of 300 days.

(l)   CCL will not be granted to women officers during the period of probation/ training (including pre­commissioning training and post- commissioning course of instructions).

(m)   LTC may be availed during CCL.

(n)   The above stipulation at Para K (i) to (iii) will be a one-time special dispensation and cannot be quoted in future.

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