What is SPARSH?

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SPARSH – An Introduction

SPARSH – System for Pension Administration (Raksha)

SPARSH – Comprehensive Pension Package (CPP), an end to end Online System facilitating and easing every aspect of Defence Pensions from Initiation to Disbursement and more is being launched shortly in a phased-wise manner. CPP is envisaged to ensure the Right payment to the Right pensioner at the Right time through digital processing of 30 lakh + pensioners.

The need for SPARSH has been felt to obviate and address the current challenges in the pension sanctioning and disbursement process such as Decentralized solutions existing in silos, Manual intervention in processing, and Lack of Centralized information for addressing pensioner queries etc. SPARSH will include all the processes and functionalities needed in the Pension processing life cycle i.e. Initiation to Disbursement facilitated through a Single Source of Truth.

The product function of CPP broadly encompasses the following Modules under a single umbrella:

  • Initiation and Sanction
  • Pension Computation and Revision
  • Pensioner Identification
  • Pension Disbursement
  • Budgeting
  • Accounting & Reconciliation
  • Reporting
  • Audit & Control
  • User Management and Administration
  • Master Data Management
  • MIS and Dashboards
  • Legal Case Management
  • Dak Management

The major benefits envisaged to accrue upon implementation of SPARSH are:

  • Timely and correct payment to the pensioners
  • Accurate and real-time status of pension budget
  • Multiple channels for pensioners to avail different departmental services
    • Portal
    • Mobile App
    • Service Centres
  • Call Centre
  • Structured and SLA based grievance redressal mechanism

With an objective of eliminating the very cause of grievances over a period of time.

Further information on SPARSH (System for Pension Administration (Raksha))


  1. Clarification on “Report Death” and “Initiate Family Pension” functionality available on “SPARSH” portal.New
  2. SPARSH Circular No. 11 : Nomination of Departmental Admin for SPARSH (Defence Civilian) – regarding.( videos)New
  3. SPARSH Circular No. 10 : Nomination of Departmental Admin for SPARSH (Defence Civilian) – regarding.
  4. SPARSH Circular No. 09 : Status of forthcoming retirees in your organisation.
  5. SPARSH Circular No. 08 : Appointment of Nodal Officer for SPARSH (Defence Civilian) – regarding.
  6. SPARSH Circular No. 07 : Implementation of SPARSH for Defence Civilian Pensioners for abolishing first identification of pensioners.
  7. SPARSH Circular No. 06 : Reduction of delay in processing of pension cases on SPARSH (System for Pension Administration (Raksha) for Defence Civilian and their families-reg.
  8. SPARSH Circular No. 05 : Implementation of SPARSH in respect of Defence Civilian Pensioners.
  9. SPARSH Circular No. 04 : Implementation of web based comprehensive pension package system i.e. SPARSH (System for Pension Administration (Raksha) for Defence Civilian and their families-reg.
  10. SPARSH Circular No. 03 : Implementation of SPARSH in respect of Defence Civilians w.e.f. 01-08-2021.
  11. SPARSH Circular No. 02 : Roll Out of all Defence Civilian Organizations on the web based comprehensive pension package system for Defence Civilian i.e SPARSH (System for Pension Administration (Raksha).
  12. SPARSH Circular No. 01 : :Roll Out of all Defence Civilian Organization on the web based comprenhenshive pension package system for Defence Civilian i.e SPARSH (System for Pension Administration (Raksha).
    1. ANNEXURE-A: Details of Nodal officer of HOD.
    2. ANNEXURE-B: Organogram/ rank hierarchy/ pay structure.
    3. ANNEXURE-C: Details of HOO(s) and their mapping with respective PAO.
    4. ANNEXURE-E: Present Status of Retirees Details.
    5. ANNEXURE-F: User Details.

SPARSH Videos for Pensioners.

  1. Services available on SPARSH for Pensioners/family Pensioner.
  2. How to change password on SPARSH.
  3. How to perform PDV on SPARSH.
  4. How to manage profile & perform identification including tracking.
  5. How to view PPO/Corr. PPO/LPC/Pension slip etc.
  6. How to lodge grievances on SPARSH(Payment related).
  7. Identification process in SPARSH
  8. Role of HOO(initiator and verifier) under SPARSH
  9. How to initiate Family Pension ( after disqualification of existing pensioner) on SPARSH
  10. How to intimate death of Pensioner on SPARSH
  11. Departmental Admin creation of new users.
  12. Departmental Admin, Editing/Updating of user details.
  13. Departmental admin, Swapping of users to posts.

Kind attention to all SPARSH Pensioners

General Instructions for SPARSH Pensioners:

It has come to notice that some fake SMS and fraudulent links are being sent to pensioners’ mobile phones
and email IDs where critical details are being asked from the pensioners. It is advised that for any inquiry,
only the following two websites are to be used:

  1. pcdapension.nic.in (official website of PCDA(P))
  2. sparsh.defencepension.gov.in (official website of SPARSH)

In addition to the above, Nodal officers nominated by PCDA(P) whose details are available on the PCDA(P) website
are to be contacted.
In addition to the above Pension Call Centre (Toll-free no 18001805325 ) is also available.

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