Andhra pradesh Benefits to Retired and Serving Defence Personnel

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The State of Andhra Pradesh has a total of 87,467 ESM / war widows/ widows (as in Dec 2018) whose requirements/ grievances are address by the Deptt of Sainik Welfare (Rajya Sainik Board) and its underlined Zila Sainik Board (ZSB) in the State. Their details are in the succeeding paragraphs.

RSB Andhra Pradesh :-
Office/ District Name, Designation & Address Telephone No.
Deptt of Sainik Welfare Cmde MVS Kumar, VSM (Retd) Director, Sainik Welfare H.No:32-14-2C, Opp. Shiva Apartments, Near Shivalayam Moghalrajapuram, Vijayawada – 520 010 0866- 2471233 (Telefax)

0866- 2473331 (Telefax)

Mob ( Dir) :


Zila Sainik Boards.

There are 13 Zila Sainik Boards in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

Sainik Rest Houses.

There are 08 (eight) Sainik Rest Houses in Andhra Pradesh which provide boarding and lodging /dormitory facilities to transiting ESM at nominal charges.

State level Benefits

Cash Awards to Gallantry Award Winners.

The State of Andhra Pradesh provides cash / land / annuity/ lump-sum benefits to gallantry award winners from the State.

Job Reservations.

The Government of Andhra Pradesh provides 2% reservation in Group-II B and Group-IV vacancies in State, Public Sector Undertakings, Local Bodies etc. (Auth: G.O.Ms.No.357, dated.23-06-89 of General Administration Department). The ESM need to obtain the details/ guidelines from respective ZSBs and apply accordingly.

Self Employment Assistance.

Ex-servicemen and Widows of Ex-Servicemen under Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) are being given assistance for self employments.

Old Age I Widow’s Pension.

The District Collectors in the State of AP have been authorised to sanction old age I widow’s pension, in deserving cases, to Ex-Servicemen @ Rs.1,000/- per month.

War Jagir Allowance.

War Jagir Allowance (given to parents of defence forces personnel only son or two or three sons who served in defence forces during 1962, 1965 and/or 1971 wars/ emergency periods) in the State of Andhra Pradesh is @ Rs.150/-p.a. for one Child and Rs.50/- p.a. for every additional child w.e.f.,19-03-1994. (Auth: G.O.Ms.No.107, dated.19-09-1994 of General Administration ( Poll.B) Department).

Non-Pensioner World War-II Veterans and Widows.

Monthly financial assistance to Non-Pensioner World War II Veterans and Widows @ Rs.5,000/- per month per each person as per G.O Ms No.88, dated:28-11-2016 of Home (Genl.C) Department.

Free legal assistance.

Free legal assistance to the Ex-Servicemen and their dependents where the Government is not a party, is provided to ESM. The persons request for legal assistance may apply to the concerned District or Taluk Legal Aid Committee as the case may be. (Auth: G.O.Ms.No.1900, dated.17-12-1971 of Home( Courts.A) Department).

Ex-Servicemen suffering from T.B.

Ex-servicemen suffering from T.B are treated at par with NGOs of the State for admission to Government T.B. Medical Institutes. Also free medical treatment in Government hospital is given to ESM. (Auth:G.O.Ms.No.2289, dated.11-10-1976 of Health Housing and Municipal administration Department).

Ex- Gratia to Seriously Disabled.

Ex-gratia grants to all ranks who are severely disabled and are invalided out of service – Rs.5,000/-. (Auth: G.O.Ms.No.25, dated.17-01- 1986 of General Administration (Poll.B) Department).

Houses and Plots.

The State Government is providing the following :-

Reserved ready built houses constructed by Andhra Pradesh Housing Board for serving defence personnel and Ex-Servicemen at HIG – 5%, MIG – 5%, LIG – 2%, EWS- 4%.

5 % of Industrial Plots/ Sheds on Industrial Estates/ Industrial development Areas of the A.P. Infrastructure Corporation have been reserved for Ex­Servicemen for establishment of small scale industries.

Exemption from payment of property tax.

In respect of the houses owned by Ex­Servicemen / widows of Ex-Servicemen and serving personnel for their self dwelling purpose, for one house / property. (Auth: In municipal limits G.O.Ms.No.83, dated.15-03- 1997 of Municipal Administration and Urban development (TC) Department & In Gram Panchayat limits G.O.Ms.No.371, dated.20-11-2003 of Panchayat Raj and Rural Development (PTS-III) Department.

Transport Benefits.

Ex-Servicemen are given preference in allotment of route / national permits by State Transport Authorities.

Trade Equivalence.

The Government of Andhra Pradesh has equated Defence Services trades with Civil trades vide G.O.Ms No.16, dated.12-04-1999 of Labour Employment & Training and Factories (Emp) Department. As a result most of the Ex­Servicemen are settled in their second career.

Compassionate Appointment.

Provides a compassionate appointment in any of the State Government Department to the dependents of Armed Forces personnel killed in action or disabled in action, as per their qualification (Auth: G.O.Ms.No.138, dated.06-06- 2006 of Home (Genl.C) Department.

Monetary Grant to Killed in Action.

Provides the monetary grant of Rs.5.00 lakh as ex-gratia to the dependents of defence personnel killed in action and the monetary grant to the defence personnel disabled in action as per their disability varying from Rs.1,00,000/- to Rs.3,00,000/- (Auth: G.O.Ms.No.26, dated:28-01-2014 of General Administration (Poll.B) Department).

House Site to war Widows.

The Government extending the benefit of allotment of 300 Sq.yds house site to the War widows, War Disabled Soldiers (Auth: G.O.Ms.No.92, dated.30-05-2005 of Home (Genl.C) Department).

Relaxation of Educational Qualifications.

Against reserved vacancies in State Government Dept/State Govt. Undertakings/Public Sector Undertakings including Local Bodies. (G.O.Ms.No.57, dated.13-03-2001 of Home (Genl-B) Department).

Relaxation to Police Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Rules.

The Government have issued certain amendments to Andhra Pradesh Police (Stipendiary cadet trainee) Rules – 1999, wherein Ex-servicemen were provided certain relaxations in Physical Efficiency Test to be inducted in Andhra Pradesh Police (Auth: G.O.Ms.No.97, dated.01-05-2006 of Home (Legal-II) Department).

Land for NCOs/ORs.

Ex-Servicemen who were NCOs and below are entitled for 5 acres dry land or 2.5 acres wet land. Officers and JCOs are not eligible. (Auth: G.O.Ms.No.743, dt.30-04-1963 of Revenue Department).

Pavala Vaddi Scheme for ESM.

The Government extending the Pavala Vaddi Scheme to Ex-servicemen and Widows of Ex-servicemen of Andhra Pradesh for Self Employment, for which Government will pay subsidy interest rate on loans taken from Banks over and above 3%, the maximum amount of loan is limited to Rs.5.00 lakhs for each applicant (Auth: G.O.Ms.No.339, dated. 25-07-2009 of Home (General-C) Department).

Financial assistance to battle disabled with 100% disability.

The Government provides financial assistance to battle disabled with 100% disability as Grant-in-Aid to look after the 100% disabled soldiers belonging to the Andhra Pradesh State who are staying as residents in Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre, Kirkee, Pune @ Rs.1,00,000/- per annum till life time of soldier.

Allotment of House sites.

The Government has issued orders for allotment of House sites of 175 Sq Yards to Ex-Servicemen & Widows of ESM on payment basis who form in to Ex-Servicemen Housing Society. (Auth: G.O.Ms. No. 1241, dated. 27-10-2008 of Revenue (Assignment-I) Department).

Professional/ Vocational Institutional Seats Reservation.

Seats reserved for children of Ex-Servicemen and serving personnel who belong to Andhra Pradesh in Technical / professional / vocational institutions under CAP category.

Amendment to Lease, Rent and Eviction Act for ESM.

Amendment in A.P. Buildings (Lease, Rent and Eviction) Control Act,1960 for legal protection to Serving Defence Personnel, Ex-servicemen and widows of Ex-servicemen to get their rented houses vacated by tenants.

Age Relaxation for General Administration (Ser-A).

Persons who served in the Defence Services are allowed relaxation of age up to 3 years in computing the prescribed upper age limit in addition to the period of service rendered by them in the Defence Service, vide G.O.Ms.No.155, dated.21-02-1967 of General Administration (Ser-A) Department.

Concessions from Special Fund for Rehabilitation of Ex-Servicemen (From Department of Sainik Welfare, Andhra Pradesh)

SNo Name of the Grant Details Amount (Rs)
(a) Marriage Grant Restricted to two daughters

(i)      Marriage with a person of the same community

(ii)    Marriage with a person from different community

(iii)  Marriage of Widow of Ex-Servicemen





(b) Funeral Grant On the death of

(i)              Ex-serviceman

(ii)      Widow

(iii)      Son or Daughter of Ex-Serviceman/ Widow




(c) Monthly Financial Assistance to Non-Pensioner Ex-servicemen Initially for one year to be extended to five years on the recommendations of Zila Sainik Welfare Officer (ZSB) 400.00
(d) Legal Assistance Financial assistance to the Ex-Servicemen and their dependents where the Government is not a party. 5,000.00
(e) Education Scholarship Intermediate/Diploma Courses (Restricted to 10 months in a year) 225.00 per month
(f) Education Grant All Graduate Courses (Restricted to 10 months in a year) 300.00 per month
PG/Professional Courses (Restricted to 10 months in a year) 400.00 per month
(g) Spot Assistance To provide meals and bus/train fares to Ex­servicemen & widows in penury who visit office of Zila Sainik Welfare Officer or Directorate of Sainik Welfare, Hyderabad. 200.00
(h) Adhoc Grant (one time grant) For mitigating financial problems of Ex­servicemen and widows of Ex-servicemen 6,000.00
(j) Hostel Charges Children of ESM & Widows of ESM pursuing higher studies and staying in hostels (upto 10 months in an academic year) 500.00 per month
(k) Merit Scholarship (one time grant) Children of Ex-Servicemen / Widows who secure higher rank in entrance exam for admission in to professional courses. 5,000.00


Monthly Financial Assistance to Ex-Servicemen and their Children


Children of Ex-servicemen with 100% disability till life time 1,000.00 per month
Orphaned Children of Ex-servicemen till they attain 21 years or employment whichever is earlier. 1,000.00 per month
Legal assistance to ex-servicemen and widows where Government is not a party 5,000.00
Financial Assistance to 100% disabled Ex-servicemen till life time 4,000.00 per month
  1. If possible to apply service person for land sir plz reply and what is documents required

  2. Govt wast land allot ment 5 accar land
    Posibulit hi sir

  3. Reply Avatar Of Balakrishna Komarapu
    Balakrishna komarapu 3 April 2021 at 23:06

    Experience depends wife, children job

  4. Reply Avatar Of Balakrishna Komarapu
    Balakrishna komarapu 3 April 2021 at 23:02

    After retairpersion which color ratation card is provided by ap govt,

  5. Reply Avatar Of .Venkatramaiah Mekala
    .Venkatramaiah Mekala 7 September 2020 at 09:45

    Sir istimewa there AP state government waste land avilable atau Guntur- Dist ,vinukonda- Teh for Retire ex service man

1 2

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