Rajasthan Benefits to Retired and Serving Defence Personnel

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  • Reservation of seats in Group ‘C’ posts-12.5 percent & Group ‘D’ posts-15 percent reserved vacancies are carried forward for one year. Recruitment rules have been amended in respect of age and educational qualification of ex-Servicemen. 100-point roster followed.
  • Reservation in allotment of industrial plots/sheds – 2 percent, Salt plots -10 percent, Mines & Minerals – 10 percent, National permit -10 percent and House sites -10 percent & Houses -2 percent. Milk vending Booths-on priority, Fair Price Shops -7 percent.
  • Stipend of Rs. 250/- p.m. to ex-Servicemen trainees in ITIs.
  • Maintenance grant of Rs. 900/- p.m. to the disabled Servicemen undergoing training at QMTI, Kirkee.
  • Financial assistance of Rs. 500/- p.m. to orphan children of ex-Servicemen.
  • Monthly financial assistance of Rs. 500/-p.m to post II World War Widows of ex-Servicemen not in receipt of family and any other pension.
  • Marriage grant to daughters of Ex-Servicemen/Widows Rs. 8,000/- per daughter upto two daughters.
  • Old age pension Rs. 500/- p.m. to Ex-Servicemen who are above 65 years and not in receipt of any pension.
  • Scholarship is provided to 1,000/- Meritorious Girls of ex-Servicemen @ 100/- p.m. upto School level and Rs. 150/- p.m. upto college level.
  • Financial assistance to WW II Veterans and widows @ Rs. 300/- p.m. who are not in receipt of any pension.
  • 3 seats in Medical colleges, 210 seats in Engineering colleges, 5 percent seats in Polytechnic and BEd course and each ITI are reserved for wards of ex-Servicemen. No domiciliary restriction exists in the state.
  • Free medical aid in Government Hospitals. Medical wards have been constructed in civil Govt hospitals at Jhunjhunu with 20 beds and 18 beds medical wards each in hospitals in Sikar, Churu and Nagaur.
  • House loan facilities to serving personnel/ex-servicemen.
  • Provision of residential plots to ex-Servicemen at village Panchayats.
  • Priority in allotment of house-sites and constructed houses. 10 percent reservation of plots and 2 percent of flats for widows and ex-Servicemen.
  • Sainik Rest Houses in the State.
  • Rent Control act and land tenancy act have been amended to facilitate resumption of land/houses by ex-Servicemen.
  • Scholarship to children of ex-Servicemen for pursuance of studies from Class IX to Higher & Technical Education.
  • Exemption from payment of Municipal Tax on houses of ex-Servicemen, widows and their minor children who are not income tax payee.
  • Allotment of Barani or Sivaichak land upto 10 acres to ex-Servicemen/Serving soldiers.
  • Preference in employment of two dependents in State Government Service.
  • Cash grant of Rs. 10,000/- (w.e.f. 01-04-96 and upto 31-03-99)
  • Bus fare – 75 percent concessions.
  • Free education upto all levels. Stipends upto Rs. 400/- p.a. school level and Rs. 800/- p.m. college level. This facility is only for dependents of those killed/disabled in 1962, 1965 and 1971 wars.
  • Irrigated land 25 Bighas in canal area.

Benefits – OP VIJAY

  • Employment to be provided to widow or her son or unmarried daughter with a right to be exercised by the widow to keep her option for employment open till the child grows and becomes eligible for service.
  • For permanently incapacitated battle casualties employment would also be provided to himself or a dependent.
  • Rs. 25,000/- + 25 Bighas of land or 4 Lacs in lieu of land to disabled soldiers.
  • Following compensation was announced:-

(a) Rs. 1 lac+25 bighas land in IGNP would be given to the widows.


(b) Rs. 1 Lac + MIG Housing Board House.


(c) Rs. 5 Lacs

  • Parents of the deceased to be given Rs. 1-2 Lac fixed deposit in small savings in monthly income schemes.
  • School going children to get Rs. 1,800/- as scholarship per year. This will be Rs. 3,600/- for students of college, Technical, Medical, Engineering. This scholarship will be given by Education Department.
  • Free education for children in Government school, College, Technical Education, Medical & Engineering.
  • A school will be re-named on the name of the martyr soldier.
  • One agricultural electric connection would be given out of turn by the RSEB for any land which is in the name of widow.
  • Free Roadways pass will be issued for widow and dependent children.


Note:- The above benefits and concessions are subject to change as per Government Policy. Please approach respective Sainik Welfare office for latest orders.

  1. Sir pls tell me the process too. I m serving too

  2. I am a serving JCO and applied for allotment of waste land since 30 September 2006 with DC Jodhpur With Copy to Tehsildar Jodhpur vide HQ 102 Inf Bde letter no 6002/8/Q dt 30 September 06 and fwd reminder letter in fifteen time although single reply is still awaited.

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