Rajya Sainik Board Addresses and Contact details List

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Rajya Sainik Board: Ensuring Welfare and Resettlement of Ex-Servicemen

The Rajya Sainik Board (RSB) is a pivotal organization dedicated to promoting the welfare and resettlement of ex-servicemen, war widows, disabled ex-servicemen, and families of defence personnel across various states in India. Each state has its own RSB, operating under the guidance of the Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB), the central body overseeing these state-level boards.

Key Functions of Rajya Sainik Boards

  • Welfare and Resettlement: Promoting measures for the welfare and resettlement of ex-servicemen and families of serving/deceased personnel of the Armed Forces.
  • Employment Assistance: Rendering employment assistance to ex-servicemen, war widows, disabled ex-servicemen, and to the members of the families of deceased Defense Service personnel.
  • Liaison and Coordination: Maintaining liaison with state ministries, state undertakings, enterprises, and banks to seek vacancies for ex-servicemen and widows as per reservation policy/recruitment rules of the state.

The Departments of Sainik Welfare/ Rajya Sainik Boards in the States/ UTs are responsible for the following functions:

  • a. Co-ordinate the work of Zila Sainik Welfare Offices in the State.
  • b. Maintain Liaison with Ministries of the State, State undertakings enterprises and banks to seek vacancies for ESM and widows as per the reservation policy of the State and as per recruitment rules. Monitor such vacancies and ensure these are filled up by ESM or widows.
  • c. Promoting measures for the welfare and resettlement of ex-servicemen and families of serving/deceased personnel of the Armed Forces.
  • d. Disseminating information to the general public regarding the Armed Forces in the country and for taking measures to enhance interest in Armed Forces amongst the general public.
  • e. Administering the Zila Sainik Welfare Offices (ZSWOs) in the State in accordance with the rules and instructions prescribed by the Central and State governments.
  • f. Carry out any duties assigned by DGR/Secretary, KSB.
  • g. Submit to KSB report for claiming the 50 per cent charges for establishment expenditure of RSB and ZSBs of the State.
  • h. Maintain up-to-date status of ESM, disabled ESM, widows and dependents.
  • i. Ensure timely submission of reports and returns to DGR/KSB.
  • j. Organise RSB meeting under the Chairmanship of the Chief Minister and Amalgamated Fund meeting under the chairmanship of the Governor of the State.
  • k. Seek and monitor employment opportunities for ESM and widows in the private sector.
  • l. Assist ESM and widows in planning and funding Self-employment ventures.
  • m. Organise Armed Forces Flag Day Fund collection drives throughout the year.
  • n. Create additional welfare measures for ESM and widows.

The composition of the Rajya Sainik Boards is given below:

a. Composition of Rajya Sainik Boards

Governor/Chief Minister

Vice President(s):
GOC-in-C Command
FOC-in-C Command
AOC-in-C Command

Ex-officio Members:
State Ministers,
Heads of Departments,
Local Formation Commanders
Director, Resettlement Zone

Non-official Members:
Four Ex-Servicemen,
Two prominent citizens

Director, Deptt of Sainik Welfare

Contact Details and Addresses of RSBs (Rajya Sainik Boards) in Different States

SI NO. NO. OF ZSBs Office/ District  Name, Designation & Address Telephone No.
1 23 Deptt of Sainik Welfare ANDHRA PRADESH Col (Retd) Ashok Kumar The Director Sainik Welfare Sainik Aramghar Complex Plot No. -10, H.No. Durganagar Colony Hyderabad – 500 082 040-23423211 (O)/(F) 040-23423288 (O)/(F) 9177000036 (M) apsainik@yahoo.co.in apsainik@gmail.com www.apsainikwelfare.gov.in
2 00 Deptt of Relief, Rehabilitation & Settlement ARUNACHAL PRADESH Vacant Director Disaster Management, Govt of Arunachal Pradesh New Itanagar -791111 0360-2212282 (O) 0360-2213615 (F) 09436271090 (M)     rsbaruna@gmail.com
3 14 Deptt of Sainik Welfare ASSAM Cmde (Retd) KC Choudhury VSM, Director Directorate of Sainik Welfare Sainik Bhavan, House No. 74 Lachit Nagar,Guwahati – 7 Pin- 781 007 (Assam) 0361-2522229 (O) 0361-2522229 (F)     0361-2201186 (R)      rsbassam@gmail.com
4 9 Deptt of Sainik Welfare BIHAR Vacant Shri Umesh Kumar Verma, BAS Director 39/84 Officers Flat, New Punaichak Patna – 800023 0612-2281016 (O) 0612-2281016 (F)       0612-2224637 (O) 09470208679 (M) directorsknbihar@gmail.com
5 10 Dte of Sainik Welfare CHHATTISGARH Brig (Retd) JK Deosthale Director Deptt of Sainik Welfare, CG Near Collectorate Parisar Behind Home Guard Office Raipur – 492 001 0771-2445165 (O) 0771-2430084 (F) 09407627188 (M) dirsw.cg@gmail.com www.sainikwelfare.cg.gov.in
6 00 Rajya Sainik Board GOA Maj (Retd) Venugopal Nair SecretaryDeptt of Sainik Welfare Collectorate Building Panaji – 403 001 0832-2227138 (O) 0832-2227138 (F) 09420686834 (M)0832-2443236 (R) secyrsbgoa@gmail.com
7 08 Deptt of Sainik Welfare and Resettlement GUJARAT Lt.Col.(Retd) VS Chudasama Director Directorate of Sainik Welfare and Resettlement Gujarat State Gaurav Senani Bhavan Shahibaug – Airport Road, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad-04 079-22868347 (O) 079-22868348-51(O) 079-22868346 (F) 079-23245346 (R)     dir-sw@gujarat.gov.in rsb_guj@rediffmail.com
8 20 Rajya Sainik Board HARYANA Vacant Secretary,Rajya Sainik Board, Sainik Bhawan,Sector 12 Shaheed Capt Rohit Kaushal Marg Panchkula – 134 109 (Haryana) 0172-2560462 (O)/(F) 0172-2562102 (R) secretaryrsb@gmail.com
9 10 Deptt of Sainik Welfare HIMACHAL PRADESH Vacant Shri Ashish Singhmar, IAS Director Deptt of Sainik Welfare Govt of Himachal Pradesh Hamirpur – 177 001 01972-224659 (O) 01972-225643 (F) 09418066667 (M) dir-sw-hp@nic.in
10 10 Deptt of Sainik Welfare JAMMU AND KASHMIR Brig (Retd) RS Langeh VSM Director Deptt of Sainik Welfare Ambphalla Jammu – 180 005 Jammu & Kashmir 0191-2561547 (O) 0191-2575362 (F) 09419180672 (M) 0191-2438178 (R) jkdsw53@gmail.com
11 05 Deptt of Sainik Welfare JHARKHAND Col (Retd) Madan Mohan Tudu Director Sainik Kalyan Nideshalaya Ranchi(Jharkhand) 0651-2330178 (O) 0651-2330094 (R) 8002649648 (M) 0651-2332844 (F) jharkhand_skn@yahoo.in
12 13 Deptt of Sainik Welfare KARNATAKA Vacant Capt (Retd) PB Shetti Director Deptt of Sainik Welfare & Resettlement Fd Mshl KM Cariappa Bhavan No 58,Fd Mshl KM Cariappa Road, Bangalore – 560 025 080-25589459 (O) 080-25589459 (F) 09886205130 (M) 080-28445706 (R) dirdswrblr@gmail.com
13 14 Deptt of Sainik Welfare KERALA Capt (Retd)Shri KK Govindan Nair Director, Deptt of Sainik Welfare Vikas Bhavan Thiruvananthapuram – 695033 0471-2304980 (O) 0471-2304980 (F) 09447030498 (M) 0471-2472401 (R) dswkerala@gmail.com
14 24 Deptt of Sainik Welfare MADHYA PRADESH Vacant Deptt of Sainik Welfare Southern Shopping Centre Guru Teg Bahadur Complex TT Nagar, New Market P.B.NO 364 Bhopal – 462003 0755-2553992 (O) 0755-2577206 (O)  0755-2577209 (F) 0755-2646010 (R) dirrsb@mp.gov.in    dswoffice@mp.gov.in     jdrsb@mp.gov.in          www.rsb.mp.nic.in
15 33 Deptt of Sainik Welfare MAHARASHTRA Col (Retd) Suhas S Jatkar Director Deptt of Sainik Welfare Maharashtra State ‘Raigad’ Building Opp National War Memorial Solapur Road,Ghorpadi Pune – 411 001 020-66262600 (O) 020-66262601 (O)  020-26332763 (O) 020-26332764 (O) 09423033771 (M) 020-66262699 (F) dsw@mahasainik.com dir.dsw@mahasainik.com www.mahasainik.com
16 02 Rajya Sainik Board MANIPUR Lt Col (Retd) H Sarat Singh Secretary Rajya Sainik Board Sainik Rest House Opp. Lamphel Police Station P.O. Lamphel – 795 004 (Manipur) 0385-2416228 (O) 09862672547 (M) rsb.manipur@rediffmail.com
17 01 Deptt of Sainik Welfare MEGHALAYA Brig (Retd) WJB Sturgeon YSM SM, Secretary Directorate of Sainik Welfare Public Service Commission Building,Beyond DC Building Shillong – 793 001 0364-2225613 (O) 0364-2225613 (F) 09436101551 (M) 0364-2536574 (R) rsbmegha@rediff.com
18 04 Deptt of Sainik Welfare MIZORAM Surg. Lt. Cdr(Retd)Laluntluanga Director Deptt of Sainik Welfare & Resettlement, Tuikual ‘A’, PB No. 119, Aizawl – 796 001 0389-2322732 (O) 0389-2322732 (F) 09862789780 (M) 0389-2325811 (R) rsb_mzr@yahoo.in lalnuntluanga@ymail.com web site- www.sainikwr.mizoram.gov.in
19 05 Rajya Sainik Board NAGALAND Brig (Retd) KK Roy Choudhury SM,VSM,Director Directorate of Sainik Welfare and Resettlement Kohima Home Deptt, Govt. of Nagaland sepfuzou Colony above Alder College, High School Road PO Kohima – 797 001 0370-2260150 (O) 0370-2260150 (F)   0370-2221991 (R) 09436216593 (M) swr.directorngl@yahoo.com                Web site : nagaland.nic.in
20 07 Rajya Sainik Board ODISHA Col (Retd) S C Mishra Secretary Rajya Sainik Board Nageswar Tangi, Lewis Road Bhubaneshwar – 751 002 0674-2432268 (O)/(F) 0674-2471111 (R) 09778617419 (M) secyrsbors@rediffmail.com secyrsbbbsr@gmail.com
21 22 Deptt of Sainik Welfare PUNJAB Brig (Retd) Manjeet Singh Director Defence Servisces Welfare-cum-Secretary Rajya Sainik Board Board, Punjab Sainik Bhawan, Sector 21-D Chandigarh – 160 022 0172- 2701845 (O) 0172-2707345 (F) 08427544119 (M)    osdpb@rediffmail.com dswpb@rediffmail.com www.pbsainikwelfare.gov.in
22 24 Sainik Kalyan Vibhag RAJASTHAN Brig (Retd) Suresh Kumar Sharma Secretary Sainik Kalyan Vibhag Secretariat Building North Block Jaipur – 302 005 0141-2227650 (O) 0141-2227897 (O)     0141-2227650 (F) 0141-2232850 (R) 09414009539 (M) rajasthansainik@yahoo.com
23 03 Rajya Sainik Board SIKKIM Col (Retd) DN Bhutia Secretary Rajya Sainik Board, Sikkim Paljor Stadium Road Gangtok – 737 101 03592-202534 (O) 03592-221456 (F) 09674877527 (M) dawasikkim@gmail.com
24 27 Deptt of Sainik Welfare TAMIL NADU Vacant Maj (Retd) S. Jayakar, Joint Director (i/c) & Secretary, Rajya Sainik Board Dte of ExServicemen’s Welfare 22, Raja Muthiah Salai, Choolai Chennai – 600 003 044-26691747 (O) 044-26691886 (O)  044-26691886 (F) 044-24615842 (R) exweldte@tn.gov.in
25 00 Rajya Sainik Board TRIPURA Vacant Maj (Retd)P.K.Sinha, Asst.Secretary, Rajya Sainik Board , Nehru Office Complex Gorkhabasti,P.O. Kunjaban Agartala – 799 006 West Tripura 0381-2326507 (O) 0381-2326507 (F) 09402140066 (M)  rsb.tripura@gmail.com rsb_sainikboard@rediffmail.com
26 14 Dte of Sainik Kalyan Evam Punarvas UTTARAKHAND Brig(Retd) AN Bahuguna Deputy Director Sainik Kalyan Evam Punarvas Uttarakhand, 15C Kalidaas Marg,PO- Haathibadkala Dehradun-248001 0135-2744208 (O) 0135-2741481 (O)     0135-2743773 (F) dskddn@gmail.com www.sainikkalyan.org
27 71 Sainik Kalyan Evam Punarvas UTTAR PRADESH Brig (Retd) Amulay Mohan,SM,VSM Director Directorate Sainik Kalyan Evam Punarvas Kariappa Bhawan, Kaiserbagh, Lucknow-226001 0522-2625354 (O) 0522-2623909 (O)  0522-2625354 (F) 09415013499 (M) directorsainikkalyan@yahoo.com
28 12 Rajya Sainik Board WEST BENGAL Col (Retd) Pranesh Rudra Pal Secretary, Rajya Sainik Board Block ‘I’ (First Floor) Writers’ Buildings Kolkata – 700 001 033-22141347 (O) 033-22144643 (F) 09874535628 (M) rsbkolkata@yahoo.com rajyasainikboardwestbengal@gmail.com
29 00 Rajya Sainik Board ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS (UT) Col (Retd) K V Cherian, *VSM Honorary Secretary Rajya Sainik Board A & N Administration, Veer Senani Bhawan, J.N. Road, Haddo, Port Blair – 744 101 03192-235621(O) 03192-235621(F) 09434281518 (M) secretaryrsbandnic@gmail.com
30 00 Zila Sainik Welfare Office CHANDIGARH (UT) Lt Col (Retd) Raj Kumar Singh Zila Sainik Welfare Officer Zila Sainik Welfare Office (UT) Opposite Aroma Hotel Sector 21-D Chandigarh Pin – 160022 0172-2701947 (O) 0172-2700317 (O)     0172-2726325 (F) 0172-5001631 (F)PP 0172-2721064 (R) 09888880566 (M) zswochd@gmail.com
31 00 Rajya Sainik Board DELHI Gp Capt (Retd) RK Sharma Secretary Rajya Sainik Board Opp Tis Hazari Court No.1, Rajpur Road Delhi – 110 054 011-23991876 (O) 011-23969260 (O) 09818953191 (M) rsbdelhi@nic.in
32 00 Rajya Sainik Board PUDUCHERRY (UT) Vacant Tmt. V.Thenrali Director Deptt of Sainik Welfare Jawan Bhavan Complex, Lawspet Main Road, Pakkamudayanpet, Puducherry – 605 008 0413-2337575 (F) 0413-2333271 (O)      0413-2333271 (O) 09894884691 (M) puducherrydsw@gmail.com

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