Sainik Welfare benefits government of Nagaland

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Sainik Welfare benefits government of Nagaland

1. 5 percent reservations in Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts.
2. Induction of Ex-Servicemen at suitable levels in State Police Force.
3. 2 percentage reservation of Ex-Servicemen in industrial sheds and National permits, 5 percent in Jai Jawan Stalls and 3.5 percent in fair Price Shops. 4. Old age pension Rs. 100/- p.m.
5. II World War Veteran pension Rs. 500/- p.m.
6. Financial assistance to widows of Ex-Servicemen at the time of death of their husband Rs. 2,000/-.
7. ECHS Registration Fee for widow pensioner amounting to Rs 1800/-, which will be paid by RSB.
8. Financial assistance of Rs 5000/- to ESM/Widows for treatment of serious disease and restricted to on-pensioner (s) not eligible for ECHS.
9. Marriage grant of Rs 8000/- to daughter of ESM/Widows.
138 10. Lum-sum grant of Rs 1000/- to ESM for undergoing various vocational training in Govt. recognized institute (s) sponsored by DGR, MoD.
11. Grant of scholarship of Rs 500/-pm to son of ESM, who are residing and studying at War Memorial Hostels and is/are not in receipt of grant from KSB, MoD.
12. Lump-sum grant of Rs 5000/- to children of ESM with 55% marks in matric and above for admission to professional college (s)/higher studies, restricted to two children only.
13. War Jagir Allowances.
14. Cash grant to gallantry award winners.
15. ESM belonging to State of Nagaland are exempted from paying of House Tax when under self-occupation.
16. Armed Forces Pension and pension equivalent of gratuity are ignored while fixing pay of re-employed ESM below officers rank under State Govt.
17. Payment ration, canteen facilities and free medical facilities have been introduced to interior areas.
18. Sainik Rest houses in the State.

Note:- The above benefits and concessions are subject to change as per Government Policy. Please approach respective Sainik Welfare office for latest orders.

1 Comment
  1. These are just facilities which only 5 percent of the exservicemen receives. Most of the facilities are denied or ignored by the people in charge of these facilities.

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