Sainik Welfare benefits government of Odisha

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Sainik Welfare benefits government of Odisha

  1. Reservation of 3 percent seats in Group ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts in State Govt services.
  2. Govt has approved the relaxation of educational qualification for ESM for appointment in any reserved posts for Class – III employees.
  3. Priority for sanction of loan to ex‑Servicemen for self‑employment ventures by State Financing Agencies.
  4. One seat each in 15 Secondary Teachers Training Schools for wards of ESM.
  5. Rs.500/‑ p.m. to World War-II veterans and their widows who are not drawing any kind of pension.
  6. 3% seats in MBBS, 2% in Engineering / Polytechnic/Engg School.
  7. 5% seats in Govt colleges for Defence personnel coming on posting.
  8. Free medical aid in Govt hospitals.
  9. Treatment, bacteriological examination and supply of medicines subject to availability in Govt Hospital. (Income limit Rs.6,400/‑ p.a.).
  10. 5 percent reservation in allotment of houses/flats for ESM/Widows in Orissa State Housing Board Schemes.
  11. Two Sainik Rest Houses in the State .
  12. Five acres of Agriculture land is given to those ex‑Servicemen who served in certain specified areas during 26 Oct 1962 to 31 Jan 1964.
  13. Allotment of One Std. acres of land to landless ESM upto the rank of NCOs within 5 Km village perimeter of native village.
  14. Payment of reclamation charges for acres of land @ Rs 250/- per acre to those who have been allotted 5 acres of land.
  15. Establishment of monitoring cell -Monitoring Cell at the District level has been established for the welfare of ESM.
  16. 3% reservation in selection of contract teachers in High School.
  17. 3% in Aurvedic and Homeopathic colleges.
  18. 3% in Health worker (Female) Training Courses in ANM Training Centres.
  19. 1% seats in Govt colleges.
  20. 2% seats in Hotel Management/catering tech/modern office management/pharmacy(Non Engineering Diploma Course) of govt womens polytechnic of Orissa.
  21. 2% seats in all colleges for wards of serving personnel killed in action.
  22. 3% seats in Basic Science College under Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (1% each for children/wife of ESM, defence personnel killed in action and serving defence personnel).
  23. 2% seats in all it is for ESM/Children of Ex-Servicemen.
  24. Reservation in P.G. Courses in Utkal University i.e. one seats for children/war widows/ESM and 1% seats for children of serving personnel for each of the 27 PG. Courses.
  25. 2% seats in Diploma in Engg/Technology/Architecture/Beauty Culture in Government and Private Engg School/Polytechnics.
  26. Exemption of holding Tax by the NAC/Municipality for Ex-Servicemen.
  27. 2% reservation in allotment of Houses/Fllats for ESM/Widows by Bhubaneswar Development authority.
  28. Preference to ESM for distributorship of OMFED Products and opening of Milk Parlour at Bhubaneswar, Rourkeia, Sambaipur, Balasore and Berhampur.
  29. One job will be provided as per eligibility to the dependent brother/sister or wife of deceased soldier in Orissa for martyrs of Op Vijay.
  30. Ex‑gratia grant to Next‑of‑kin of casualties of IPKF killed, wounded and missing is Rs.10,000/‑, Rs.5000/‑ and Rs.4,000/‑ respectively.
  31. Rs 2,00 lacs and monthly pension of Rs. 1275/- to NOKs of personnel killed in ‘OP VIJAY’ Kargil sector.
  32. One homestead plot 40 x 60 to be allotted at Bhubuneswar to the NOK of Op Vijay.
  33. Ex-gratia grant amounting to Rs. 50,000 to the NOKs of soldiers killed in UP Peace Keeping Force.
  34. Monthly grant in liew of land, if land if not available, ranging from Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 1,50,000/- only to Gallantry Awardees up to NCO rank both serving soldiers and ESM who are landless.

Note:- The above benefits and concessions are subject to change as per Government Policy. Please approach respective Sainik Welfare office for latest orders.

  1. Reply Avatar Of Rohit Kumar Pradhan
    Rohit Kumar Pradhan 18 May 2022 at 13:52

    Odisha police service and odisha administrative service is available in army persons.

  2. Reply Avatar Of Promod Kumar Panda
    Promod kumar panda 20 July 2021 at 07:37

    I want sicurituy supervisor duty join in.berhampur.

  3. Reply Avatar Of Alip Kumar Pradhan
    Alip Kumar pradhan 31 August 2020 at 11:45

    Circular in Odisha government exemption of stamp duty for ex servicemen

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