West Bengal Benefits to Retired and Serving Defence Personnel

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1. 5 and 10 percent reservation in Gp ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts.

2. Interest subsidy beyond 7 percent on loan taken from Nationalised banks limited upto Rs 50,000/-.

3. For ex‑Servicemen Technical Training on TV, Radio Engineering, Motor Machine diesel mechanic etc at ITI/Govt recognised Technical Institute are eligible for stipend @ Rs.250/‑ p.m. plus Rs.50/‑ p.m. as family maintenance allowance.

4. Maintenance grant of Rs.900/‑ p.m. to disabled ex‑Servicemen undergoing training in QMTI, Kirkee plus Rs.50/‑ p.m. for family maintenance.

5. Grants of Rs.4,000/‑ to Rs.6,000/‑ for self‑employment of ex‑Servicemen and their dependents.

6. Ex‑Servicemen/widows/dependents in extreme financial hardship given financial grant for one year or more. Lumpsum grant from Rs.2,000/‑ to Rs.8,000/‑ in exceptional circumstances. Rs. 3,600/- p.a. is provided as financial assistance to World War II veterans.

7. Reservation of seats for the wards/children of the Defence personnel, ex‑Servicemen in the Engineering Colleges, subject to fulfilment of certain conditions.

8. Free medical aid in Govt hospitals.

9. Disabled ex‑Servicemen are given financial assistance for repairing prosthetic appliances.

10. 5 percent reservation each in allotment of house‑site and houses constructed by WBHB.

11. Sainik Rest Houses in the State.

12. Rent Control Act has been amended to facilitate resumption of houses by ex‑Servicemen.

13. An Orphanage for the boys of ex‑Servicemen situated at Mia Bazar Midnapur (Sainik Kalyan Sadan) is being maintained. Free boarding, lodging and all after facilities are being provided to 25 boys.

14. Financial assistance is given for purchase of medicine and nutritious diet to the ex‑Servicemen suffering from leprosy/cancer/TB etc. Also provision for hospital treatment for ex‑Servicemen suffering from leprosy/TB/ cancer.

15. Educational Grants/Books Grants are given to the wards of ESM whose income is limited to Rs 3,000/- per year.

16. Ex‑gratia grants : Officers ‑ Rs.5,000/‑, JCOs ‑ Rs.3,000/‑ and ORs‑ Rs.2,000/‑.

17. Persons reported missing or taken prisoner of war in action : Officers ‑ Rs.2,500/‑, JCOs ‑ Rs.1,500/‑ and ORs ‑ Rs.1,000/.

18. An amount of Rs 2 lakhs to be given to the NOKs of Armed Forces Personnel killed in OP VIJAY.

19. Education stipends for children upto Rs.100/‑ p.m.

20. Free education upto Ist Degree course, grants for books and stipends for higher education in Govt and aided educational Institutions.

21. Free medical treatment in Govt Hospitals.24. Lump‑sum grants for books and equipment.

Note:- The above benefits and concessions are subject to change as per Government Policy. Please approach respective Sainik Welfare office for latest orders.

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  1. Reply Avatar Of Benoy Kumar Chattopadhyaya
    Benoy Kumar Chattopadhyaya 14 September 2022 at 11:15

    How to get Government Land as a Ex Servicemen. I am Retired from Air Force in the year 2000. I am Registered my Name in Zilla Sainik Board South 24 parganas. Please confirm me. Thanks.

  2. Sir, There are many welfare schemes for ex serviceman ,but there is no broadcasting of these. I took a volunteer retirement on 31/05/2014 from Indian Airforce. My date of birth is 07/06/1963. I registered my name in the ex serviceman society of Air veterans and also in District Sainik Board , in Kolkata. I am having two girl children , The elder daughter completed MBA(HR) and got no suitable job. The younger one is parsuing MA English, although there are many policies but nothing I could avail , I do not know what is the welfare for the ex serviceman in practical but in book. Anyhow got pleased to see the written programmes. Governments comes and goes nothing changes. The people are there to catch hold the ex serviceman to drain them out. Thank you for your initative…

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