Maharashtra Benefits to Retired and Serving Defence Personnel

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Maharashtra Benefits to Retired and Serving Defence Personnel

The State of Maharashtra has a total of 2,40,743 ESM/ war widows/ widows whose requirements/ Grievances are address by the Dept. of Sainik Welfare (Rajya Sainik Board) and its underlined Zila Sainik Board (ZSB) in the State. Their details are as under: –

RSB Maharashtra: –
Office/ District Name, Designation & Address Telephone No.
Deptt of Sainik Welfare Shri Laxminarayan Mishra, IAS

Commissioner, Dept. of Animal Husbandry, Maharashtra State & Officiating Director Deptt of Sainik Welfare Maharashtra State, ‘Raigad’ Building, Opp National War Memorial, Solapur Road Ghorpadi, Pune – 411 001

020-71002600 (O)

020-71002601 (O)

020-71004427 (O)

020-71002699 (F)


Zila Sainik Boards.

There are 30 (Thirty) Zila Sainik Boards in the State of Maharashtra.

Sainik Rest Houses.

There are 28 (Twenty eight) Sainik Rest Houses in Maharashtra to provide dormitory facilities to ESM at nominal charges.

State level Benefits.

Cash Awards to Gallantry Award Winners.

The State of Maharashtra provides cash / land / annuity/ lump sum benefits to gallantry award winners from the State.

15% Horizontal Reservation in group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts. (Auth: Govt. of Maharashtra resolution No RTS/1079/0/482/XVI-A dated 03 Jul 80).

Relaxation of age for Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts, number of years service plus 3 years (Total service (+) 03 years (-) current age = will be the age considered for all employment. (Auth : Govt. of Maharashtra resolution No RTA/1079/0/482/XVI-A dated 16 Apr 81).

Ex-servicemen have been given concession in Physical Standard test for recruitment as Constables in Maharashtra Police (Auth: Govt. of Maharashtra GR No RCT- 0309/Pra-Kra.692/Pol-5A dated 09 Sep 2011).

Maharashtra Govt. has permitted the serving soldier in the Armed Forces of the Union to apply for Gp “C” & “D” Posts one year prior to the completion of the specific terms of engagement and avail themselves of all re-employment concessions available to ESM. However, they shall not be permitted to leave until they complete the specified terms of engagement in the Armed forces of the union. (Auth: Govt. of Maharashtra GR No Masaika-1012/PRA.Kra.198/16-A dated 30 Apr 2013).

Ex-gratia grant of Rs. 1 crore to the NOK/dependents of Martyrs killed in action/any operation w.e.f. 01 Jan 2019. (Auth : Govt of Maharashtra Resolution No MASEM- 2019/(Pra.Kra 68)/2019/28 dated 02 Aug 2019).

Financial assistance of Rs. 20 Lakh (1% to 25% disability), Rs. 34 lakh (26% to 50%) and Rs. 60 lakh (51% to 100% disability) to the disabled soldiers in war/war like operations w.e.f. 01 Jan 2019. (Auth : Govt of Maharashtra Resolution No MASEM- 2019/(Pra.Kra 68)/2019/28 dated 02 Aug 2019).

World War II veterans not in receipt of any pension are given financial assistance of Rs. 6,000/- p.m. wef 01 Apr 2018. (Auth: Govt of Maharashtra Resolution No MASEM- 2015/mumas-15/(Pra. Kra. 128/15)/28 dt 18 Sep 2018).

Financial assistance to widows or parents of posthumously gallantry award winners as per their Gallantry Award from the state wef 01 Apr 2018. The details are placed at Appendix A. (Auth: Govt of Maharashtra GR No MAGAUPU-2017/pra kra 360/28 dated 31 Jan 2019).

Free education facilities upto graduation are available for the dependents of those killed/wounded in action, Gallantry awardees and also for the dependents of ESM upto the rank of Major. (Auth: Government Resolution No HDF-1070/222920(537)/S.S.5 dated 14.01.1985).

5% of the intake capacity, subject to a maximum of 5 seats in each Technical/Polytechnic colleges Government/ Municipal Corporation/ Government Aided Medical, Dental/ Ayurved, Unani Colleges and some allied Health Science courses in Maharashtra are reserved for children of Defence Service Personnel and Ex-Defence personnel, including those permanently disabled or killed in action, vide Government Resolution No MED-1084/1665/MED-4 dated 05 Jul 1984.

5% of the intake capacity, subject to a maximum of 5 seats in each Technical/ Polytechnic Colleges, vide Government Resolution No MSM-2001/2531/PK/231/2001/28 dated 21 Mar 2002.

2% reservation for wards in Agriculture Universities for Graduate, post Graduate and PHD courses vide Government Resolution No MAKUUSHI-2010/P.C.155/7A dated 20.10.2011.

10% reservation in all Government./Grantable colleges in all streams of Universities vide Government Resolution No TCH-1204/(167/85)/M.S. dated 13 Jun 1985.

Reservation of 5% seats in all Primary and Secondary School vide Government Resolution No SSN-1997 (259/97)M.S-3 dated 05 Jan 1998.

Reservation of 5% seats in D.Ed/B.Ed colleges in Maharashtra and 2% in M.Ed colleges vide Government Resolution No TCS-1884/(185/84)/M.S-4 dated 28 Jun 1984. (Auth: Govt. of Maharashtra resolution No TCS-1884/(185/84)/Masi-4 dt 28 Jun 1984).

Exemption from payment of examination/application fee for the MPSC vide Government Resolution No RTS/1079/0/482/XVI dated 03 Jul 1980).

Property tax for urban areas has been exempted for Gallantry award winners and widows of Ex-servicemen vide Govt. Resolution No S-2016/P.K.59/N.V-20 dated 05.04.2016 as amended vide GR of even No dated 07.04.2016.

Property tax for rural areas has been exempted for Gallantry award winners and widows of Gallantry award winners vide Govt. of Maharashtra Notification No 283 dt 31 Dec 2015.

Gallantry award winners and dependents of service personnel who dies while in service are eligible for allotment of Flats under to 2 to 5% quota under certain schemes vide Government Resolution No AGN/1184/(2388)/KA-9 dated 14.07.1986.

Widow of legal heir of such soldier or officer of Armed Forces or Paramilitary forces who had been domiciled in the State and attained martyrdom during any war-like situation or any action are eligible for allotment of 5 acres of agricultural land vide Government Notification No JAMIN-2018/C.R.03/J-1 dated 28 Jun 2018. While making such allotment of land there will be no income limit for widow or legal hear of such soldier or officer of Armed Forces of Paramilitary forces.

Special Leave upto 7 days for medical review boards vide Government Resolution No LVE/1482/C.R.1422/SER-09 dated 24 May 1983.

Free Legal aid to low income Ex-Servicemen and their families for settlement of disputes vide Government Resolution No DFS-1469/17056-J dated 21 Jul 1970.


The activities under this fund are monitored by the Executive Committee of Rajya Sainik Board, on behalf of RSB. Qquarterly meetings held under the Chairmanship of the Hon’ble Minister of Sainik Kalyan. This fund is utilized for giving financial assistance for the welfare of Ex-Servicemen, widows/dependents as well as for resettlement of the retiring Ex-Servicemen in the form of grants to aid their re-employment ventures. Interest subsidy of 50% or max Rs 3,00,000/- on loan taken by the ESM for self-employment ventures.

Old age financial grant upto Rs. 3,000 p.m. or Rs 30,000/- one time for the ESM of 65 years/widows having no source of income and Rs.3,000/- per month for one year to widows of ESM till receipt of family pension.

One time assistance of Rs. 40,000/- to NOK of personnel killed in action/other operations. One time Rs 75,000/- financial assistance to NOK’s of physical casualty.

Rs. 3,000/- for undergoing training for self-employment.

Rs. 5,000/- is given to ESM/widows for dental denture and hearing aids.

Financial assistance of Rs. 40,000/- and Rs. 75,000/- to the disabled soldiers having disability from 20% to 49% and above 50% respectively due to reasons other than war/operation (physical casualty) after retirement.

Rs. 10, 000/- funeral grant for Ex-Servicemen/widows.

Rs. 1.5 lakh is given to the War Widows and Widows of physical casualty for construction of house.

Education scholarship from Rs. 1,500/- to Rs. 12,000/- to the wards of ESM studying from XI std to post graduate and research level.

Reimbursement of tuition fee upto Rs. 20,000/- to the children of ESM studying in professional recognized Govt. institutions and Rs 40,000/- for MBBS, BDS, MD Medical studies.

Reimbursement of tuition fee upto Rs. 20,000/- to the children of ESM studying in professional Govt. recognized institutions and Rs 40,000/- for MBBS, BDS, MD Medical studies to the children of ESM studying in Other State.

Rs. 2,000/- is given to the children of ESM studying in non grantable private school for Uniform and Book allowances and tuition fees. College education (Financial assistance to children of ESM studying in Govt. recognized unaided college) Rs. 7,000/-.

Rs. 50,000/- is given to children of ESM who are studying in foreign countries for three years.

The children of ESM attending preparatory/pre-training course of UPSC, Bank and other competitive exams are paid 50 percent charges of the training fee subject to Rs. 5,000/- maximum.

The children of ESM who are studying in State Sainik Schools are given Financial Assistance of Rs 15,000/- for those studying in Sainik School Satara/RIMC Rs.32,000/- financial help is given.

The wards of ESM who have taken Driving Training are given reimbursement of 50 percent training fees maximum upto Rs. 1,000/-.

Award of Rs. 10,000/- and Rs 25,000/- is given to the ESM/wife/widow of ESM/children of ESM who have performed outstanding activities in the field of sports, music, literature and dancing etc on National level and International level. Wards of ESM passed in SSC and HSC Board Exam and obtained 90% and above marks. The award will be given to the first five student who come in the merit list of every SSC & HSC in ten divisional Board of Maharashtra State and Wards of ESM who stood first in University in Graduation or PG.

Rs. 8,000/- Incentive to children of ESM who are undergoing computer education in recognized Government institutes.

Free medical aid in Govt. hospitals/re-imbursement upto Rs. 1,25,000/- and Rs. 1,000/- p.m. for one year or Rs. 10,000/- one time for post operative treatment of major diseases i.e. Heart, Cancer, Renal, Paralysis. (Only for non pensioners ESMs/Widows after the operationalisation of ECHS).

House loan subsidy to the extent of 10 percent or maximum Rs. 50,000/- for ESM and widows which is less.

Financial assistance for daughter’s marriage as follows: –

  • One daughter of ESM –             Rs 10,000/-
  • Two daughter of disabled soldiers –      Rs12,000/-each

having Disability more than 50%

  • Two daughters of widows of ESM –      Rs16,000/-each
  • All daughters of war widows –       Rs30,000/- ach
  • All orphan daughters of ESM/widows –       Rs30,000/- ach

Financial assistance to mentally retarded children of ESM as follows:-

  • Medical treatment     –        Rs 300/-pm
  • School going children       –       Rs 200/-pm
  • Under going skilled education/trg for      –     Rs 600/-pm

Self Emp.

  • For self employment   –  50% of loan or Rs 3,00,000/- whichever is less.

The boarding charges are reimbursed of Rs 32,000/- are reimbursed to the children of ESM studying in SPI Aurangabad (Officers ward- 50%, Ward of JCOs – 75% and Ward of OR 100%).

Pocket money to the Wards of Offrs, JCOs and OR studying in NDA to the extent of 50%, 75% and 100% respectively.

Free bus travel in all types of buses of State Govt Transport wef 11/04/2018 to war widows and free bus travel upto 2500 KMs (fin asst of Rs 4,210/-per year) to gallantry award winners of chakra series (PVC, MVC, VrC, AC, KC, SC) for the year 2019-20.

Financial Assistance 50% of the loan taken from Bank for project or maximum of Rs 3.00 lacs for self employment and Rs 10 lakh to self help group of ESMs wife and widows.

Financial Assistance of Rs 5,000/- (for one eye) for eye operation (cataract) to ESM and their dependents.

Financial Assistance (Actual expenditure) for purchase of kubdi of disabled ESM.

Financial assistance of Rs 2,500/- to ESM/Widow who passed MSCIT course.

Incentive to children of ESM/Widow of Rs 50,000/- who get admission in NDA/ OTA/IMA etc.

Financial assistance of Rs 8,000/- to Rs 15,000/- one time for purchase of Tricycle for disable person.

Financial assistance of Rs 10,000/- for natural climates

Financial assistance of Rs 2,000/-pm to disable ESM staying in paraplegic centre Kirkee Pune.

Financial assistance of Rs 8,000/- in three installment to NGO’s sponsored by ZSWO’s and recommended by NABARD & DRDA for providing guidance/help for establishment of self groups of widows & wives of ESM.

Financial Assistance Rs. 5,000/- to ESM who have completed educational qualification for the post of Gram Sevak and Shikshan Sevak.

Financial Assistance to ESM/ Widows /Children of ESM studying Govt. recognized private professional courses such as Nursing/Catering/Tailoring etc Rs. 6,000/- per year.

Financial assistance to the wards of ESM undergoing training at PRTC Satara /MSTC Kolhapur/Buldana 50% of fee or Rs 2,000/- whichever is less.

Benefits from Special fund

Queen Mary’s Technical SchoolDependents of Ex-Servicemen and disabled Ex­Servicemen taking training in Queen Mary’s Technical School are reimbursed full fee upto Rs. 1,800/- per year.

Hostel FeesDependents of Ex-Servicemen who do not get admission in military hostels or due to non-availability of hostels in particular station, staying in college/school hostels, is re-imbrued upto Rs. 8,000/- per year towards hostel fees.

Military Boys/Girls hostels : There are 48 Military Boys/Girls hostel in Maharashtra where free accn is provided to the wards of ESM. Food charges are subsidized based on rank and wards of ESM widow are given it free.

1 Comment
  1. Ghar kaa kaam ki permitin ke liye jo Nagarpalika main fees naangi jaati hain,kyaa use maaf karne ke liye koi on duty army waalo ko concession/Chuth milti hain yaa Aysaa koi (GR) hai to kripapaya kar ke hame wo (GR) ko hame bheje please.

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