Tamilnadu Benefits to Retired and Serving Defence Personnel

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    The State of Tamil Nadu has a total of 1,81,537 ESM/ war widows/ widows whose requirements/ grievances are address by the Deptt of Sainik Welfare (Rajya Sainik Board) and its underlined Zila Sainik Board (ZSB) in the State. Their details are as under: –

RSB: Tamil Nadu: –
Office/ District Name, Designation & Address Telephone No.
Deptt of Sainik Welfare Tmt. Mythili K Rajendran, IAS            Director

Rajya Sainik Board Directorate of Ex­serviceman’s Welfare 22, Raja Muthiah Salai, Choolai, Chennai – 600 003

044-26691342 (O) 044-26691886 (O) 044-26691886 (F) exweldte@tn.gov.in


Zila Sainik Boards.

There are 30 (Thirty) Ex-servicemen’s Welfare Offices (Zila Sainik Boards) in the State of Tamil Nadu.

Sainik Rest Houses.

There are 8 (Eight) Sainik Rest Houses in Tamil Nadu to provide dormitory facilities to ESM at nominal charges.

State level Benefits.

Cash Awards to Gallantry Award Winners.

The State of Tamil Nadu provides cash / land / annuity/ lump sum benefits to gallantry award winners from the State.

Reservation in Group ‘C’ posts-5%, Group ‘D’ posts – 10%, Forest Guards 10%, Forest Watchers – 5% and 25% In NCC (for the Post of Lascars, Drivers, Watchmen) Live Stock Inspector 5% and Police Constable Grade II – 5%.

Basic Service : (10%) in Municipal Corporation, Co-operative Institutions, Public Sector Undertaking & Boards.

Age relaxation for appointment to State Government Service upto 53 years for BC/SC/ST & 48 years for OC.

Automatic acceptance of equivalent of Military Trade to Civil Trade.

Acceptance of Graduation Certificate issued by Armed Forces for Group ‘C’ posts.

Job opportunities in Temple Protection Force for Ex-servicemen.

Job opportunities (Part-time) in Home Guards for Ex-servicemen.

Refresher Training Classes conducted to Ex-Servicemen who have already completed six months Physical Education Training in Army at Alagappa University for the post of Physical Education Teacher in Government Schools.

Financial Assistance.

Marriage Grant of Rs 20,000/- to One Daughter of Ex-servicemen (upto JCO).

State Government Scholarship of Rs. 40,000/- per annum to the students studying in Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC), Dehradun.

One time Lump sum Grant of Rs. 1,00,000/- to the children of Ex-Servicemen who have joined in Armed Forces as Permanent Commissioned Officers, Rs.50,000/- to Short Service Commissioned Officers and Rs.25,000/- to Junior Commissioned Officers / Other Ranks.

War Service Incentive of Rs. 20,000/- (one time grant) plus Silver medal worth Rs.1,000/- to parents who have sent their only son/daughter to the Armed Forces and Rs. 25,000/- (one time grant) plus Silver medal worth Rs.1,000/- to parents who have sent more than one son/daughter.

Grant of Rs.50,000/- for major surgeries, such as kidney transplantation or open heart surgery to non pensioners Ex-Servicemen.

Financial Assistance of Rs 10,000/- for meeting Funeral Expenses of Ex­servicemen (All Ranks) and Rs 5,000/- for Widows of Ex-servicemen.

Lifetime Grant of Rs. 6,000/- p.m. to World War Veterans and Rs.3,000/- p.m. to their widows who have served during World War and who are not in receipt of pension/ gratuity.

Lifetime monthly grant of Rs.2,500/- for aged Non-Pensioner Ex-Servicemen/ widows of 60 years and above who are in Penury (upto JCO level).

Lifetime Grant of Rs.3,000/- to totally Blinded ESM/ Dependent provided they are not in receipt of any assistance from other sources (upto JCO level).

Lifetime Grant of Rs. 3,000/- p.m. to those ESM/ Dependent affected by Leprosy (upto JCO level).

Lifetime grant of Rs. 3,000/- p.m. to Mentally Retarded children of ESM (upto JCO level).

Lifetime grant of Rs. 3,000/- p.m. to those ESM/ Dependent affected by Cancer (upto JCO level).

Lifetime grant of Rs. 2,500/- p.m. to those ESM/ Dependent who are Paraplegic (upto JCO level).

Lifetime grant of Rs. 2,500/- p.m. to Differently Abled Ex-servicemen/ their Dependents (upto JCO level).

Marriage Grant of Rs.1,00,000/- and 8 gms Gold coin for making Thirumangalyam to the daughters of Defence Personnel killed or disabled whose disabilities 50% and above. Similarly, Rs.50,000/- and 8 gms Gold coin for making Thirumangalyam whose disability less than 50% in action.

Ex-Gratia amount of Rs.1,00,000/- to the War Widows/ Next of Kin of Battle casualties and Rs. 50,000/- to the Defence Personnel disabled in action from Amalgamated Fund.

Ex-gratia payment from Kargil Defence Personnel Relief Fund to the families of Serving Defence Personnel Killed/ Disabled in action against the enemy forces/ Counter Insurgency Operations/ while performing duties in aid to civil power: –

(a) Killed: Rs. 20.00 lakhs

(b) Disability

  • Totally disabled/ double amputee/ totally blind: Rs.15.00 lakhs
  • Single amputee/ one eye blind : Rs. 10.00 lakhs

Annual Maintenance Grant of Rs.25,000/- to the NOK of Defence Personnel killed and to the personnel disabled in War/ war like operations for Lifetime.

Housing Grant of Rs.50,000/- to widows of Defence Personnel killed and to the personnel disabled in action in all conflicts after Independence.

Rates of Ex-servicemen Children Literacy Improvement Grant are as under: –

(a) 1st Standard to 5th Standard Rs 500/- p.a
(b) 6th Standard to 8th Standard Rs 800/- p.a
(c) 9th Standard to 10th Standard Rs 1,000/- p.a
(d) Higher Secondary School Education Rs 1,500/- p.a
(e) Certificate Courses Rs 10,000/- p.a
(f) Diploma Courses Rs 20,000/- p.a
(g) Professional Courses Rs 25,000/- p.a
(h) U.G & P.G Courses (Arts & Science) Rs 10,000/- p.a


Miscellaneous Assistance.

Re-imbursement of 75% of interest subsidy on loans availed by ESM/ Widows upto a maximum Rs.10.00 lakhs and 100% of interest subsidy on loans availed by the Self-Help Groups upto a maximum of Rs 15.00 lakhs for self-employment ventures.

Re-imbursement of 75% of interest subsidy on Educational Loans availed by ESM/ Dependents upto a maximum of Rs 10.00 Lakhs.

Reimbursement of House tax to the War Widows / war disabled and to the recipients of Param Vir Chakra, Ashok Chakra, Maha Vir Chakra, Kirti Chakra, Vir Chakra, Shaurya Chakra and to the widows who are in receipt of Defence family pension.

Subsidy of Rs. 50,000/- for construction of Industrial Sheds/ purchase of Industrial plots to Ex-Servicemen.

Stipend of Rs.50/- per day for actual attendance and Rs.1,000/- p.m. for raw materials to the trainees in the Tailoring Units run by Zila Sainik Board. Free sewing machine to all trainees who had completed the tailoring course.

Actual Educational expenses of orphan children of Ex-Servicemen.

Grant not exceeding Rs.15,000/- for alleviation of distress due to fire, flood civil riots, accidental deaths and other natural calamities.

Grant upto Rs 3,000/- towards the Purchase of Artificial dentures, Spectacles and Hearing aid Apparatus, Artificial limbs, Surgical boots / Jackets / Crutches or other appliances as recommended by the Specialists.

Gift articles worth of Rs.2,500/- to Leprosy patients on the eve of Deepavali Festival.

Transport Charges to Ex-Servicemen who are admitted in sanatorium for treatment of Leprosy and Tuberculosis to visit their homes once in a year.

Pocket money of Rs. 50/- per day to the Ex-Servicemen, who are suffering from TB/ Leprosy/ Cancer and undergoing inpatient treatment in the TB Sanatorium/ Leprosarium/ Cancer Institutes approved by the Government of Tamil Nadu as well as in the Government General Hospital/ Rehabilitation Homes.

Payment of Rs.1,000/- p.m. to inmates of “Nimadhilllam” for destitute Ex­Servicemen / Widows at Chennai.

Other Benefits.

exemption of examination fees to ex-Servicemen for Recruitment through Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission.

Exemption of fees for Medical Examination for Appointment in State Government Service.

Priority for One Dependant of Ex-servicemen in the matter of employment through Employment Exchange.

Compassionate appointment to One Dependant of Service Personnel killed/ disabled in action against enemy/ Counter Insurgency Operations and Died While in Service.

Priority in transfer and posting to the spouses of Serving Soldiers to the nearest station.

Reservation of 10% in allotment of Industrial Sheds constructed by the Tamil Nadu Small Industries Development Corporation.

Land Tenancy Act has been amended for resumption of land.

Reservation of 7% for Serving and Ex-Servicemen in allotment of houses/ flats/ plots developed by State Housing Board.

Priority in assignment of house sites.

Free preparatory training classes conducted to youth who appear for written examinations for recruitment to Army.

Priority in providing electricity connection to pump sets for agricultural purposes to Ex-Servicemen/Widows and Serving soldiers who are native of Tamil Nadu.

Preparing training to Wards of Ex-servicemen to prepare them to join the Armed Forces as Officers, Online coaching via www.exweletutor.com and offline direct coaching for 10 days before Examination.

  1. P.Arulkumar
    Respected sir I’m serving in indian army.how can I get waste land allotments from tamilnadu government ..pls give me guidence.

  2. My house conction wasteland give me guidence from tamilnadu

  3. Sir namashkaram mai tamilnadu ka renevalagha may seving persen hai sir mera ek requests sir tamilnadu ka west lant act our years meraku saya sir

  4. Respected Sir, I got land from Government some seasonal cultivation made. For that land I paid property tax. But after some time Government asked me to return the land. Please advise me to get the land.

    • Respected sir I’m ex-servicemen in indian army.how can I get waste land allotments from tamilnadu government ..pls give me guidence.

      • Respected sir I’m ex-servicemen in indian army.how can I get waste land allotments from tamilnadu government ..pls give me guidence.

  5. Dear Sir,
    I am an Ex- Service man presently residing in a rented house at Manapakkam, Chennai.
    I have been pleading with the government for allotment of 3 cent government purampoke land for constructing a house for me from the year of 2011. Very recently I have send a request to Chief Ministers Special Cell

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