Tripura Benefits to Retired and Serving Defence Personnel

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  • 2 percent reservation exist in Group ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts. Recruitment rules amended in respect of age and educational qualification of ex-Servicemen.
  • Relaxation of age limit for re-employment of ex-Servicemen in Govt Services.
  • Relaxation to ex-servicemen on the matter of educational qualification when they seek re-employment in Police and Jail Deptt of the State Govt.
  • Financial assistance to ex-Servicemen/Widows for petty business.
  • Reservation of 2% seats in all educational institutes (Higher) for Ex-Servicemen/Widows/Wards of Ex-Servicemen under consideration of state Government.
  • At concessional rates computer training given to ex-Servicemen, widows and dependent.
  • Equation civil service trades for re-employment of ex-Servicemen.
  • Death relief grant Rs 3000/-
  • Stipend of Rs. 150/- p.m. to ex-Servicemen trainees in ITIs.
  • Monthly maintenance allowances of Rs. 1,000/- p.m. to world War II veterans who are not in receipt of any type of pension.
  • Ex-gratia of Rs. 2.00 lacs to Army/CPMF personnel killed in actual conduct of operation and Rs 1.00 lacs for those who killed in extremist violence other than operations in the state.
  • Maintenance allowance of widows Rs. 600/- p.m. who are not in receipt of any pension.
  • Grant of yearly stipend/book grants to school going children of ex-Servicemen studying in class I to XII. Besides, uniform grant is given to wards to ex-Servicemen upto class XII.
  • Allotment of House- sites to war widows.
  • 10 percent reservation of House-sites/Houses.
  • Ex-Servicemen/widows have been partially exempted from payment of House Tax within Agartala Municipality.
  • Rent Control Act and Land Tenancy Act have been amended to facilitate resumption of land/houses be ex-Servicemen.
  • Priority for allotment of land to ex-Servicemen after SC and ST categories.
  • Grant of special leave upto 15 days to ex-Servicemen in posts for replacement/repair of their artificial limbs.
  • Sponsoring power to Secretary, RSB, Tripura for re-employment of ex-Servicemen.
  • Secretary, RSB co-opted member of the selection committee for interview in case of ex-Servicemen to be interviewed for State Govt undertaking.
  • Exemption from production of citizenship certificate by ex-Servicemen.
  • SEMFEX II & III Schemes introduced in the States.
  • Priority will be given for service to one member of the family of Battle Casualty.
  • Sewing machine are presented to widows of deceased Ex-Servicemen from Rajya Sainik Board as one time measure for self-employment.
  • A lump sum Ex-gratia Grant to NOK/War widows of deceased defence personnel amounting to Rs 2,500/- from Amalgamated Special Fund.


  • The NOK of those who made the supreme sacrifice shal be given a token financial assistance of Rs. 2.00 lacs and also a permanent job under the state Government.
  • Those wounded or disabled and rendered unfit for military service will be given a token financial assistance of Rs 1.00 lacs and also a permanent job under the state Government.
  • Where the family of those who had achieved martyrdom and those wounded or disabled in action, is homeless, a house will be provided under any of the existing schemes of the state Government.
  • Where the family of those who has achieved martyrdom and wounded or disabled in action, is landless a homestead land wil be allotted.

Note:- The above benefits and concessions are subject to change as per Government Policy. Please approach respective Sainik Welfare office for latest orders.

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