Uttar Pradesh Benefits to Retired and Serving Defence Personnel

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Uttar Pradesh

     The State of Uttar Pradesh has a total of 4,35,791 ESM/ war widows/ widows whose requirements/ Grievances are address by the Dept. of Sainik Welfare (Rajya Sainik Board) and its underlined Zila Sainik Board (ZSB) in the State. Their details are as under :-

RSB : Uttar Pradesh :-
Office/ District Name, Designation & Address Telephone No.
Sainik Kalyan Evam Punarvas Brig Ravi (Red)


Directorate Sainik Kalyan Evam Punarvas Cariappa Bhawan, Kaiserbagh, Lucknow-226001

0522-2625354 (O)

0522-2623909 (O)

0522-2625354 (F)




Zila Sainik Boards.

There are 75 (Seventy Five) Zila Sainik Boards in the State of Uttar Pradesh.

Sainik Rest Houses.

There are 49 (Forty nine) Sainik Rest Houses in Uttar Pradesh to provide dormitory facilities to ESM at nominal charges.

State level Benefits.

Cash Awards to Gallantry Award Winners.

The State of Uttar Pradesh provides Cash in lieu of land & annuity to gallantry award winners from the State.

Payment of Rs. 6,000/- pm to Ex-Servicemen & widows of World War II.

2% seats reservation in Medical colleges, 3% in BTC 5% in Polytechnic and 5% in Job Reservation.

Three percent reservation in allotment of house plots and shops to the serving personnel, Ex-Servicemen and dependents of those killed in action, built by UP Awas-Vikas Parishad and the Vikas Pradhikaran.

Rent Control Act and Land Tenancy Act have been amended to facilitate Ex­Servicemen in resumption of houses/land.

Priority in allotment of Fair Price Shops to War Widows, personnel disabled in action and other Ex-Servicemen.

Priority in allotment of Gram Sabha land by the Land management Committee to service Personnel killed (1st Priority), disabled in war (2nd Priority) and landless Ex­Servicemen (6th Priority).

UP Govt has sanctioned an amount of Rs. 20 Lakh for Armed Force personnel of UP. This grant of 20 lakh is given to permanent residents of Uttar Pradesh. It is also admissible to Armed Force personnel belonging to other States whilst on duty getting martyred on duty in UP under these circumstances:-

  • War on international Border.
  • Border Incidents includes terrorist
  • Action against terrorists.
  • Action against antisocial elements resulting in Violence.

Rs. 7,500/- p.m. as pension to Widows and Rs. 5,000/-p.m. as pension to Parents of Kargil Martyrs.

UP Govt has approved Rs 1 lakh annually for paraplegic/quadriplegic soldiers belonging to the State under treatment at PRC Kirkee and Mohali.

UP Govt has given remission on Stamp Duty chargeable on the instruments of conveyance and instruments of lease in favour of ex-servicemen and legal dependents of martyred soldiers and legal dependents of martyrs of paramilitary and Central Armed forces. The remission shall be available up to first Rs. 20 lakh of the valuation of the properties. In case the valuation exceeds Rs. 20 lakh, the stamp duty shall be chargeable on the valuation after first Rs. 20 lakh.

Only War Widow occupying self ownership house is exempted House Tax.

Free Bus Pass for Gallantry Awardees up to COAS Commendation Card.

Educational Stipend from UP Sainik Punarvas Nidhi at rates varying from Rs. 2,000/- to Rs. 13,000/- p.a. for different levels of education.

Daughters’ marriage grant of Rs. 40,000/- by UP Sainik Punarvas Nidhi.

Interest subsidy on loan from Banks, by UP Sainik Punarvas Nidhi

UP Armed forces Police Sahayata Sansthan gives Rs 10 lakhs to war widow. (Rs. 4.00 Lakh for Widow, Rs. 3.00 Lakh for Parents and Rs. 3.00 Lakh Fixed Deposit for three years for widow.)

  1. GR for property tax in UP

  2. Provide GR for exemption of property tax in U P

  3. Kindly provide GR exemption of property tax to EXSERVICEMEN

  4. please provide UP Govt letter copy for exemption in stamp duty during purchase of residential plot at 1st time at the earliest please.

  5. exservicemen are examated from proparty tax having own named in up

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